13 Years of Experience with Dr. Rea and Environmental Health Center

Prior training and work: Dr. Johnson completed an Environmental Fellowship of one year after completing a 3 year internal medicine residency under the direction of Dr. William Rea at Brookhaven Hospital in Dallas, Texas, including the instruction of renowned immunologist Dr. Stroud and psychologist Joel Bulter, Ph.D. Patients with chronic medical problems were evaluated in a specially constructed hospital environmental unit that limited chemical odors, access from the outside, and filtered air. In this clean environment, testing was conducted to determine sensitivity to food, pollen, mold and chemical fumes. Psychological assessment was conducted to learn how best formulate a treatment plan. Depending on the individual’s needs, testing included laboratory immunology tests, allergic skin tests, and direct food challenge testing after fasting.

Following this intensive training, Dr. Johnson continued to work with Dr. Rea at the Environmental Health Center, running the hospital unit, and caring for patients in the clinic at the Environmental Health Center.

Dr. Johnson is the only physician still practicing that has had a full yearlong fellowship training with Dr. Rea in a hospital-based environmental unit.

This training, education, and the subsequent hands-on daily medical practice in the hospital unit gives him exceptional knowledge of treating the chronically ill, chemically sensitive, and difficult patient that is not getting answers after seeing numerous physicians.

Currently, Dr. Johnson utilizes his vast knowledge and experience while working with Dr. Rea at the Environmental Health Center – in addition to 20 years of treating the environmentally exposed and ill – to treat individuals from around the world that are seeking answers and effective treatment for their illnesses, utilizing numerous tests and diagnostic approaches to define the cause of an individual’s medical problems. The cause must be determined in order to formulate a cost- effective treatment plan.